My Approach

As we all know, science began with the stars, and we discovered in them the “gods” as well as the curious psychological qualities of the Zodiac.– Carl Jung

Prehistoric cave walls show the recordings of lunar cycles from 25,000 years ago. This was the beginning of astrology. It developed through the ages from Sumeria, Babylonia, the ancient Egyptian priests, down to the early Greeks such as Ptolemy and Pythagoras. Astronomy and astrology were sister sciences to great thinkers like Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Tycho Brahe, and Johannes Kepler. In modern times Carl Jung worked to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. He held astrology in high esteem and his daughter Gret was a professional astrologer until she died in 1995.

The fundamental principle of astrology is that the cosmos has a meaningful correspondence with our lives expressed through the order of the planets and constellations of the zodiac. I practice astrology, not a science or an art, but rather as a symbolic language of archetypes. For those who understand the archetypal language, the positions of the planets at the time of birth correspond to character and life cycles as well as physical, emotional, and mental patterns. This is correspondence not a direct causality from the planets and the zodiac.

For the last several hundred years, our view of the universe has been that it is like a vast machine. Today many people are beginning to see the universe as more akin to awareness or consciousness. Our current cosmological theory tells us that 70% of the universe is dark energy and 26% dark matter, neither of which can be seen but only inferred. This is what was previously thought of as “empty space”. The remaining 4% of the universe is atomic matter, most of which is cosmic dust and un-bonded hydrogen and helium. The fraction of 1% remaining is what we call our “known universe”. These new ways of understanding what the universe is require something beyond the purely materialistic approach.

In addition, our understanding of matter is no longer that it is dead physical stuff, but that everything has some level of consciousness even if it is imperceptible by us. Through laboratory experiments, quantum physics has proven that the observer creates the reality that is being observed, which means we can no longer ignore the fact that our beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes create the world we experience. Quantum physics continues to develop a paradigm to explain in modern scientific terms what ancient wisdom has long held to be true – the universe is not merely conscious but that the universe is consciousness itself, and ultimately – that is what we are too. This new paradigm is leading us to see that we are not separate from but one with the universe, or as Albert Einstein said, “We live in a participatory universe”.

As an astrologer, I see the birth chart as a picture of the heavens at the moment of birth. The chart is a lens of celestial correspondence: “As above, so below”. In addition to being a lens, the birth chart contains a great deal of information in symbolic form and is constantly evolving as we live our life. The current transits of the planetary positions show where we are at any particular time in our lives, and the progressions of the planets show us what that particular stage of life is set for. As a system of self-knowledge, astrology can be used to understand our past, to see our potential, to answers questions, and as a way to liberate ourselves by helping us to better understand who we are and what our life is meant to be.

My approach to an astrological consultation session is to create a safe and supportive dialogue for spiritual growth. All consultations I do are based on the interpretation of the birth chart in language that is relevant and meaningful. Our work together is based on a confidential and trusting relationship. There is a certain aspect to the experience of a birth chart session that is like having your portrait done by an artist. An artist captures not only the likeness of who you are but also deeper elements of who you are, which are drawn from the unseen or even hidden parts of yourself. This dimension of insight is where astrology functions best as a way toward greater self-awareness.